These are symptoms that provide a strong indication that something was significantly disturbing during your infancy and the problem remains unresolved:
1) You seem to always have lots of feelings and body sensations and you cannot shift to being emotionally neutral, that is, without such feelings and sensations.
2) You struggle to deeply connect with people, because as they get physically and/or emotionally close, you feel an underlying discomfort.
3) You struggle with trusting people and there was no major trauma in later life that you remember or can recognize as causing this.
4) You were raised by a very cold, fearful or angry mother.
5) You have a snap shot image in your memory of you as a baby and a very bad feeling about the picture.
6) You regularly dissociate, feeling like you are not fully present or actually outside your
own body, when things get stressful.
The incredibly exciting news is that some therapists now know how to help you repair these problems using specific therapeutic steps and methods. Treatment starts with an emotional resetting process which connects emotional memories from babyhood, which are stored in the right hemisphere with adult verbal capacities in the left hemisphere. Baby memories are stored as imagery, body sensations and emotions. These unconscious memories must be opened up to be accessed by our adult vocabulary.
Then, there is a releasing and repair process, which is done by evoking baby memory and tracking and giving meaning to the emotions and body information which arises. Typical body information which comes up (and are often felt in our bodies as adults) are discomforts in the stomach, tightness in the chest, shoulders or jaw, and tears. This information goes through a review and release process, until the body is cleared from being reactivated as an adult. A visual imagery reformatting process is then used to repair the unmet needs of baby.
The treatment outcome usually includes reduced nervous system activation so that you can be emotionally neutral most of the time, experiencing feelings when they should really be present in response to important life events. Most importantly, YOU CAN LEARN TO TRUST AND LOVE MORE DEEPLY.
This repairative work usually requires a knowledgeable therapist who is skilled at "Attachment Repair."
Only when this foundational work is done can other later traumatic experiences be fully cleared using traditional EMDR processing.