This Blog represents an idea for a social media site, where we can all gather to talk and to learn. It will be TheCommunityOfLove.Com. The goal is to give everyone who joins a blog space where they can share their own “Little Writings about Love”. And those writings can be shared with the community.
It will be a place where authors and the most knowledgeable can share their wisdom. Those on the path will move farther along in their learning.
So, related to this Blog, I would like to welcome any Little Writings you might want to send to me. I will attempt to post them here.
Right now, this Blog is housed under the web name of
More detailed information about TheCommunityOfLove.Com
The Community of
The is an envisioned online community, with members who are interested in the daily expansion of love in their lives.
This site will be a place to communicate with a wide range of people, along with some of the great thinkers of our time. This home base will support whatever transformative interests you have.
It is a site where we will talk with each other about spirit and soul and love and share our “short writings about love”. Spiritual materials, books, audio CD’s, music, art work and other enhancing products will be available all in one spot.
It is a place where authors can hold discussion groups and workshops.
It is a place of teaching and a place of learning and a spiritual sanctuary.
Help support the development of this idea. Preregister below to show your interest in being contacted for updates and when the site is ready to launch.
We would love to have you as a charter member.
If you are an author, please be sure to check that box on the preregistration form.
We look forward to seeing the growth of a unifying community, made up of diverse but like minded thinkers. If you are spiritually minded, filled with the holy spirit, a cultural creative, a new thought thinker, a soul driven thinker, someone on the path, one striving for self actualization, or one who is devoted to the Love of God, let's stay connected.
Please preregister.
Until then Dr. Satt will be blogging about progress and sharing some of his “short writings about love”. Please join him in awareness on his blog at